Guidance on classroom management Module # 3

Module # 3 Blog

Chapter 7
I think that shaping and using task analysis with students having trouble is very good to help students achieve progress towards their goals. By using task analysis this will help break down step by step so the student will be successful. I can relate to this personally because I myself am a step by step person that how I learn. The book mentions that self-reinforcement p. 277 might not be necessary but I disagree on that. I feel it is very important to have self-reinforcement because you need to have goals and something to work towards. In a perfect world, everyone would be taking responsibility for their own actions. When you are dealing with students this does not always happen because of different backgrounds or upbringings not everyone will be able to take responsibility for their own actions which is why there are rules.

Chapter 13 focused on goals for classroom management, creating a positive learning environment.  As I mentioned above that is imperative to maintain a good classroom management so your classroom stays in good control. Teachers need to establish a good teacher/student relationship to maintain a good climate in your classroom. With good management, it creates a more positive health learning atmosphere for all students. It is important to encourage a “growth mindset” so student will stay positive which will again help them learn that we never should give up trying. Chapter 13 discusses routines and procedures which would probably follow classroom management. It in my opinion good for all children to have routines. Thought the chart p. 509 on classroom management vs. discipline was interesting. Woolfolk discusses on p. 508 about bullying I have no tolerance for this at all in school or out of school. My brother just told me that my nephew was being punched in the arm and he is in pre-school. I don’t remember much bullying going on when I was younger and I’m not too sure if it was because I went to a catholic school or not. I’m defiantly not implying it doesn’t happen in catholic schools I just don’t remember it happening often in grammar school. I think cyberbullying is so scary and anyone who is involved with doing it should have consequences as with any type of bullying. I know when I’m a teacher I will be aware and watching so this isn’t happing in my classroom.


  1. Amy, I totaly agree. I like the step by step approach. I think many students are like that too. I also agree there is nothing wrong with self reinforcement. Chapter 13 is important. Classroom Management is key to being a good teacher.

  2. Amy, I also agree with the step-by-step approach. Though it may not be for everyone, it is important to remember that if any student is having trouble understanding information, it may be helpful to break it down step-by-step for them. I think they will also appreciate you taking the time to help them understand it in a new way and that can help foster a positive classroom environment. Also, you mentioned bullying and I think that is so important to address. Helping our students to understand you will not tolerate bullying will also help classroom management. I also went to Catholic school and don't remember bullying but I'm sure it does happen.


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