
Goals and Motivation Equals Life.

  Module # 5 Blog Chapter 12 Motivation was talked about so the question is what is motivation? According to(Woolfolk) “An internal state of arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.” (p.444). Two different types of motivation were talked about and they were Intrinsic motivation-natural way to conquer challenges. The second one is Extrinsic motivation-behavior driven by rewards. Goal orientations were discussed that we all should have goals for ourselves. Pursuing goals are rewarding because you get a sense of accomplishment. The self-determination was interesting because it was saying we all need to feel confident and capable in the world and have a sense of control in our lives. I myself like to set short term goals because I feel I accomplish more. I do have long term goals but setting shorter ones gives me more of a sense of accomplishment sooner rather than later. I think it will be important to discuss goals with my students and help them make goals for themselves. I

Deeper thinking for a successful future Module # 4

Module # 4 Blog Chapter 9 When I started reading chapter nine about metacognition I chuckled to myself because it means that you are thinking about your own thinking. I happen to overthink my thoughts all the time so I can relate to this. Of course, this is not the only thing metacognition means because it includes three kinds of knowledge. 1. declarative knowledge-what influences your learning and memory. 2. Procedural knowledge-knowing how to use knowledge. 3. Self-regulatory knowledge-to ensure competition of the task (Woolfolk p. 329). Thought this section was very enlightening. Learning strategies were talked about and how some teachers think that it is ok to have the students just memorize and use flashcards. That is how I was taught and going back to school is harder because teaching is so much different than when I was in school. In my first class when answering questions, I kept looking for the direct answers ion the book just like I was taught to do when I was in sch

Guidance on classroom management Module # 3

Module # 3 Blog Chapter 7 I think that shaping and using task analysis with students having trouble is very good to help students achieve progress towards their goals. By using task analysis this will help break down step by step so the student will be successful. I can relate to this personally because I myself am a step by step person that how I learn. The book mentions that self-reinforcement p. 277 might not be necessary but I disagree on that. I feel it is very important to have self-reinforcement because you need to have goals and something to work towards. In a perfect world, everyone would be taking responsibility for their own actions. When you are dealing with students this does not always happen because of different backgrounds or upbringings not everyone will be able to take responsibility for their own actions which is why there are rules. Chapter 13 focused on goals for classroom management, creating a positive learning environment.  As I mentioned above that i

Teacher interview reflection Module #3

I found chapters 7 & 13 kept my attention because it talked about classical conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, consequences, punishment. These were interesting because of the teacher interview questions asking how the teacher handled students misbehaving what did they do and what forms of punishment did they give. From my interview with Julie, she uses a lot of praise, high fives, thumbs up and class dojo points. This was discussed in chapter 13 p. 257 in Woolfolk on positive reinforcement when students are doing what they are supposed to do by following instructions and rules they can earn points or praise to keep up the good behavior. I also asked Julie about how her classroom management plan was? She said she explains the rules and expectations at the beginning of the year so everyone knows what’s to be expected. Chapter 7 also discusses punishment p.258 and as far as my interview went when I asked Julie what she did as far as punishm

Teacher interview Module #3

My teacher interview with Julie Russell December 1, 2017.             1. What is your classroom management plan? We establish a Class Promise as the beginning of the year where we outline our classroom rules and expectations. We include what we should and should not see and hear in our classroom if we are going to be a successful team. I have a behavior clip char that I use in conjunction with Class Dojo and the point economy system. Students earn points for following expectations and good behavior and lose points for not following expectations or inappropriate behavior. Students can use their point to purchase a variety of rewards, from pencils and gel pens to lunch with the teacher or principal.             2. How do you engage students of different levels? I work with our school specialists (learning/behavior specialist and ESL teacher) to plan and modify assignments and provide needed accommodations for my SPED and ESL kids. They also take students who need small group/ext

Teacher student relationships and understanding culture and diversity Module #2

Module # 2 Blog Chapter Four- was interesting talking about the intelligences and Howard Gardner’s intelligence chart that he believes intelligence is measured on a biological base. An intelligence is a “biopsychological potential to process information in certain ways to solve problems or create products that are valued in at least one culture or community” (Gardner, 2009, p.5). There are many different levels of measuring one’s intelligence. I will have to say I have heard of IDEA and was not aware that students with special needs get to have a free public education. I found it interesting on that many factors are involved with learning challenges and that intense teaching can lead to changes in brain functioning (Woolfolk). I think it is so important to catch learning disabilities at an early age. When I was in school that didn’t have any programs to help students that had a learning disability. I’m not sure if it was because I went to a catholic school or more children today h

Enjoying Educational Psychology Module #1

Module #1 I am enjoying reading my book and find it interesting. In chapter one it talks about how the book will help us understand the complex processes of development, learning, motivation, teaching, and assessment so we are able to become confident teachers (Woolfolk). Teacher and student relationships are important because research shows that if you are positive and encouraging to your students while they are younger their attitudes will continue to remain positive throughout school. This reminds me of the growth mindset and the fixed mindset because with the growth mindset you have positive thinking and will continue to grow. The fixed mindset you don’t challenge yourself to beyond your comfort zone and continue not to grow just remain negative. If teachers start their classes out positively the outcome and motivation will continue with them because they are training their brain early on. I did not realize that the Obama Administration made changes for the tests to assess growt